A conversation between Javantea and Gemini (artificial intelligence by Google). Javantea's prompts are labeled.
Javantea: Do you have any opinion on the meaning of the song Forever Young by Alphaville?
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Hoy discutimos un event muy recente -- guerra en Siria.
The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech in Android for free using the spanish (Spain) voice. The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on Dec 10, 2024.
This is bound to come up again as geopolitics is starting to become rather chaotic. I'm not saying anything about this event because I still have no understanding of it. That is why these paragraphs are here.
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This is the nineteenth podcast. Hoy discutimos filosofía. Me gusta mucho.
The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech in Android for free using the spanish (Spain) voice. The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on May 20, 2024.
Philsophy will be on a break for a few weeks after this episode. We'll come back for sure.
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This is the eighteenth podcast. Hoy discutimos filosofía. Me gusta mucho.
The audio is created with Google Text-to-Speech in Android for free using the spanish (Spain) voice. The script was written by various authors around the world and given to Wikipedia, where I got it on May 20, 2024.
Philsophy is an important topic but if you have other things to do I can understand skipping this one. That said, a real treat for those who also enjoy philosophy.
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