Making of Javantea's Fate 369

Here is a lesson that I have learned over the past 4 years: _TOOLS_. Humanity has reason and it can use tools. It is what separates us from the animal kingdom: the ability to do something better the second time, the third time, and so on. In fact, I can create a tool that has no purpose today, but saves a dozen hours tomorrow. I can build a tool that builds a tool that builds a tool. The Nth tool may be totally useless in the hunter-gatherer sense of the word, but the Mth tool may cause something wonderful to happen.

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Against Hedonism 2004-11-30

Skip to the bottom if you don't like philosophy.

The other day, I talked about Shameless. I give Shameless a capital first letter because the way that Shameless works is a philosophy. While Shameless is not an official religion, many people are willing to give it that status. In the same way that a person would give Title Case to Christianity, I give Shameless Title Case as a joke. But today, I'll give Shameless a new name that makes more sense to those who are not in on the Shameless. Shameless is Hedonism. I have talked a bit about Hedonism before. But I haven't gotten into exactly what I meant when I said things about hedonism. Here's the lowdown on hedonism as I see fit to explain:

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Making of Javantea's Fate 367

Another Making JF page is ready for you. Yesterday and today, I have worked on a project that has been very important in my mind: simple, fast construction of musical samples. Given samples, a person can create a song using SoundTracker or CSound. That means the production of samples becomes a serious business. A person needs samples to work on three elements of music: melody, harmony, and rhythm.

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Making of Javantea's Fate 366

You probably didn't notice, but this is the 366th Making Javantea's Fate page. That's special because that means in 3 years I have done 1 year worth of Making Javantea's Fate pages. That's pretty amazing. It means that I've posted every third day on average. It doesn't seem possible, but it's true. I've gone months at a time without posting.

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